With the wind in her hair and the salt tickling her nose, a captain heads out for a day on the brine.

She is hungry, throws out her fishing line and waits …

A big blue boat is out on the brine,

And what do you think she sees?

From sunrise to sunset, the captain discovers a world where albatross soar and whales play. An ecosystem at play in the ocean’s endless blue.

Like the tide, there is an ebb and flow to life out on the brine and Emma Stuart’s stunning illustrations bring to life this magical rhyming tale.

Set on the west coast of Australia, if you have a fascination with boats, sea life and the ocean, you’ll love this award-winning sequel to a big blue boat.


‘This beautifully crafted picture book is the sequel to The Big Blue Boat.

Young readers and listeners will engage and respond to the soft refrain (…and what do you think they see?). Various creatures fly, hover above or swim in the sea as a young captain sails in her big blue boat. The sun and the moon also look down from above, and what do you think they see?

The colourful and delightful illustrations will also absorb young audiences as they study the various components on each page. Children can answer the question posed by the refrain as to what they can see and joyfully discover facts about various aspects of ocean life.

There is a glossary with illustrations at the end of the book and a QR code to connect with the author’s site where children’s activities can be found. Teacher, librarian and parent packages are also available, along with a free downloadable PDF of children’s activities when subscribing to the author’s newsletter.

Five out of five for this lovely publication.’ Debra


Also available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DXG9T3HK/


Interview with Kerry Gittins and Lynette Braker of With this Book We Can: Click HERE

The Diary

March 2nd, 2025

After weeks -and months – of planning there was a pre-launch celebration at Robinvale followed by a successful Launch Day at the Swan Hill Library.

Kellie, the librarian, was fantastic to work with, and all who came had a marvellous time – myself included – as we became immersed in the tale about a boat, a girl and the hungriest of fish.

I extend a massive thank you to all who made this launch possible, and everyone who joined us for the hour.

February 1st 2025

It’s difficult to believe launch day is almost here.

Reviewers are coming on board. One can never have too many.

I don’t expect reviews to be placed on Amazon or Goodreads. Amazon has stipulations that need to be met, and some people prefer not to. I totally understand. If you are interested in getting a sneak peek, and want to email a review that I can share I would really appreciate you letting me know via this link.

The new bookmarks have arrived and I just love the colours.

I am madly working on the activities that will be part of the A Day on the Brine author visit sessions.

Resources and packages for teachers – and schools – are now available through the webpage shop.

The best news of all is you can now order a copy and have it arrive in time for launch day.

In the meantime, check out the short video below to have a peek at what is coming.

December 2024

With just over two months to go until launch day, preparations have ramped up a notch.

This week I have commenced my search for reviewers – if you are interested send me a line via the contact form.

The first of the books has arrived. The colours and the finish are supberb! I thought you might like to have a bit more of a peak.

November 2024

It’s exciting to be able to share the news. A Day on the Brine is available to pre-order.

And yes, there has been a last minute change to the book’s title. It has a much better feel and gives the reader an idea of the time during which the action takes place.

pre order A Day on the Brine
A Day on the Brine cover reveal
A Day on the Brine launch date

It was all I could do to contain myself when the proofs arrived.

I can now share with you that A Day on the Brine has gone to print.

October 2024

It’s been a long journey, but at last the first A Big Blue Boat sequel is almost ready to go to print.

Titles aren’t fully decided until close to launch date. This has been the case with this A Big Blue Boat story. On occasions, I have to mull over ideas for some time, before the final answer arrives. It was whilst in discussion with Chris and Kate from Old Mate Media, that the

I can also share with you that the the official title is A Day on the Brine and cover reveal day is just around the corner.

The end pages that Chris from Old Mate Media has created are stunning.


a big blue boat out on the brine
out on the brine

a big blue boat Out on the Brine Sailing story a day fishing on the sea

What wonderful sights will a big blue boat and her captain see when sailing upon the brine in this A Big Blue Boat sequel?

Shortlisted 2022 Page Turner Awards

Winner of 2022 Page Turner Awards: Best Picture Book Genre

If you love Bill Martin Jr’s Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? you are going to love A Day on the Brine.

In this new rhythmic, rhyming story, what ocean animals will a big blue boat and her captain see?

ocean animals

I am so fortunate to have the very talented Emma Stuart illustrating this sequel.

Emma stuart illustrator
a big blue boat sequel

To see more of Emma’s artwork click HERE.

To read an Interview with Emma – click HERE

Emma has shared two stunning illustrations.

Emma Stuart Illustration of a big blue boat out on the brine. seabird, albatross and squid
ocean life

Emma shared a process video with me so that you can see how she creates her stunning images.

Emma Stuart has brought our captain to life in this sequel about life on the brine.

To keep up to date with the almost daily news, click HERE

If you haven’t read A big Blue Boat and want find out more about it, click HERE