Sleeping on a boat is like sleeping on a bed in a house. When we are in a marina, or anchored, we sleep in our bed in the cabin. Cabin is the word for a bedroom on a boat. When we sail, we sleep in the cockpit or on a seat in the lounge. We […]
Sleeping on a boat is like sleeping on a bed in a house. When we are in a marina, or anchored, we sleep in our bed in the cabin. Cabin is the word for a bedroom on a boat. When we sail, we sleep in the cockpit or on a seat in the lounge. We […]
I find the length of time spent on developing each book depends upon its style, the topic and the feedback I receive during each story’s development. Although an Indie author, I still adhere to the belief that major legwork must be put in before a story is ready for publishing. This includes having people critique […]