Category Archive

Why Is The Toilet Called The Head?

How the toilet came to be called the Head is a really interesting question. I had to do a bit of searching to find the answer. About 600 years ago, the front of the boat was called the ‘head’. No-one knows the exact date when the word ‘head’ was used to mean the toilet. Early […]

How do you sleep on the boat?

Sleeping on a boat is like sleeping on a bed in a house. When we are in a marina, or anchored, we sleep in our bed in the cabin. Cabin is the word for a bedroom on a boat. When we sail, we sleep in the cockpit or on a seat in the lounge. We […]

Where Did you get Your Idea For the A Big Blue Boat Story

I can’t really say there is one clear cut event that led to the idea of writing A Big Blue Boat. There were, however, four key issues. The first being that there are no realistic sailing picture books out there for young children, especially girls. For girls, the stories are imaginative and dreamlike. The second […]

When Is Your Next Book Being Released?

a big blue boat sequel, sequel, next book being released

How long does it take you to write a book?

I find the length of time spent on developing each book depends upon its style, the topic and the feedback I receive during each story’s development.  Although an Indie author, I still adhere to the belief that major legwork must be put in before a story is ready for publishing. This includes having people critique […]